Tag: Writing

What Media I Consumed?


Today  I am going to talk about what Media I Consumed  here there are. These are the Media’s I use,see and play. I put banners on my google drawing because I see them at the fare sometimes. I put a kid playing games because I play games myself. I put websites on here because I go on other websites when I get home. I put a sign on my google drawing because I see signs where I live. Finally I put a bill board on this because I see them all the time when I go somewhere in my  Mom or Dads car.

What to do if you get a weird email?


Today we are going to talk about  what to do if you get an weird email. First if someone spams your email go and tell a teacher that your getting weird emails from a random person. Step 2.  If you get a weird email at home and your mom, dad, sister and brother are sleeping take a screen shot of it and send it to one of your teachers. Step 3.  If you get a weird email from your teacher but you don’t know if its your teacher then email another teacher that you are getting weird emails from your teacher. Last step. If you are getting a weird email from your friends and you don’t like it then just delete the email from your email account. here is a picture of me and me groups slide of you get a weird email.

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