Tag: Tirp

Trip Art Corban Center

Trip to the Art Corban Center. 

On Wednesday 24 of may the year 5 and 6 went to the Art Corban center. In the morning we were just getting ready to go to the Art Corban center. When we were getting ready we had to give two trays of free lunches. After giving out free lunches #e had to go back inside.


 When we went back inside we had to do our soda task. When I just got onto it we had to go on the floor to do our class role to see who came to school. When we finished we had to go to the hall for our breakfast. First before we had breakfast we had to do our karakia before we eat.


 After we were done we had to sit down to wait for when it was our class turn to go get our breakfast. When it was our turn I just had milk and that was the only thing I had for breakfast. After breakfast we had to line up so that we could go to the Art Corban Center . When we got outside I didn’t see the bus so I got confused. 

When we turned right the bus just got on time and utu wanted to be last so that we could sit in the front but we got split up somehow. When we got our seats we just had to wait patiently an tell we took off. When we took off I was just staring out the window because it was so boring.


 While looking outside I just started singing and I do not know why. While I was singing we were going the same way that we went to trust stadium for our basketball zones. After like 20 minutes we got to the Art Corban Center. It looked crusty but when we got inside it was way cooler.


When we got inside we had to sit on the ground she was talking about the rules that we can’t run because the floor was like a hill going up and down. When she finished telling us about all the rules she said that the house used to be a wine store and they couldn’t fix the ground. 


After hearing that she was putting on a maori movie with the gods separating from each other. When the movie  was done we went into this room with some great paintings. When we got into the room we had to sit on the ground again because she told us to draw a bird that we wanted to draw. 


I drew a Hihi bird it had a love heart shaped body that was weird but I still drew it. When we finished drawing it we had to put some colors onto it. When we finished coloring it in we had to use some clay for our background and use it for stars. When we finished with using the clay we had to go show the guide lady.


 The guide lady said to put one eyebrow up and put one finger on your cheeks. She said if it was done and I said yes. She said to clean my table and I did. When my best friend finished we just started to play hand games. After everybody was done we had to go back on the mat. 


The guide lady said to listen to our teachers our teachers said to go grab our bags and go make a line outside. We all made 2 lines our teacher said that the guide lady would take only 20 people to see some Art. When we got there we saw lots of Art from other people the lady said to not touch any.


 When we finished looking around we went back to our teachers. When we got back the bus was already waiting for us so we quickly got onto the bus. When the driver was driving, the girls at the back were playing shabooya. When they were playing shabooya they were saying my name and my friends names.


 While they were playing I looked ahead and then I saw my school again so that meant that we were almost there. When we got there we got off the bus and we said thank you to the bus driver. While we were walking back some of us were quite super quiet. When we got back to class our teachers said we could play outside until the bell rang. 


When the bell rang all of us got our Chromebooks and bags and then just went. 


Feed back please. hear some pictures of The End 🙂