Category: Hanga | Create

Spying on me friends blog



I’ve been spying on my friends blog. I took a screen shot of the most points at the end here is the picture.

We made this so that we can see whoever was the best spy. As you can see I got 40 points and my buddy got 35 so that means i won. But it is not about the points it’s all about if you had a great job.

Any question?

Well can you please comment on this blog please.

BEFORE                                                                                         AFTER

Dear dad

Thursday 27th of April


Dear Dad

can you buy me an ipad because last time you were playing 1with it you dropped it onto the ground and it cracked. Dad, can you buy me an ipad because I want to be able to have some privacy to myself. Dad can you buy me an ipad because I would like to download my own games.


If you buy me an ipad I will do the dishes.

If you buy me an ipad I will fold all your clothes. 

If you buy me an ipad I will listen to you for 3 or 2 hours. 


Your son Sione. 

Can you give me some feedback please.



I see me 

I see my personality 

I see a friend who takes care of me when people want to pick a fight with me and he calms me down.

I see a teacher who helps me and give’s me ideas for my learning 

I see trees that remind me of the trees at my house because they’re big, thick and tall. 

I see a teddy bear that reminds me of the  teddy bear that I used to have when I was only six years old. 

I see a pillow that reminds me of the pillow at my house because it is cuddling and soft. 



Pedal Power

Kia ora

Today we did Pedal Power And we learned how to ride bikes. We started with pushing with our legs and then they told us to go with one of the teachers. One of the teachers was helping the people who did not know how to ride a bike. We split up I went with the teacher who was gonna teach me how to do some tricks. We started to do some zig zag through the cones and then we did follow the leader with our bikes. When we stopped playing follow the leader we had to ride to half way and look back because Mr would say which colour and we would look at the colour and say it. When we finished we were going in circles and who ever put there feet down were out and they had to watch from the sidelines. After a long time playing the same game we had to put the bikes away because the bell had rung.

The nano girl show


Today we are going to talk about The NANO GIRL SHOW. When the girl came she said what her name is and whats she does for a living and she showed us a cool trick. My favourite thing is when she put fire on her hand. I learned you can put fire on your hand without catching on fire. I’m wondering how the girl put fire on her hand. If I was a super scientist my name would be? I chose my super scientist name to be the super scientist stone because super scientist stone is an interesting name.

Film Festival Reflection


Welcome to my blog. I’m going to talk about the film me and my group made.

The favourite thing about making my group film was to stop motion because we can take turns on the iPad. The thing I learnt was how to use stop motion. The thing that was challenging was trying to make the picture stay still. If I would be able to go back in time to fix something in me and my group’s film I would change the direction of the picture so it can look like it was made in the same day. If a another group does stop motion like my group my advise would be to use glue tag so the picture can be still.