Month: May 2024



Today Im going to tell you about what I did yesterday. Yesterday I had to do a Cybersmart Bingo, In the bingo we had to fill out all of the boxes so that we can finish and after we finish we have to blog about it. Here is the picture of my Cybersmart bingo,.

Here it is you should try it when ever you are free. It is really fun.

This the end of my blog have great day bye.

Yesterdays Assemby

Kia ora

Today I’m going to talk about what our class did for Assembly .

Yesterday our class had to do a Assembly. At Assembly we sang some songs and then me and other people had to say a script. My script was about Muturangi having a octopus and the octopus always stole other tribes bait. One of the tribes leaders name was Kupe, Kupe hated the octopus so Kupe chased the octopus across the ocean and chased it to a island named Raukawa and destroyed the octopus there. after saying our script my class had to do a hand shake with a buddy. When  they finished their hand shake 3 girls from our class did a k – pop dance. After that we sang our finishing song and then we finished off with notices. That’s all we did for our Assembly yesterday.

Have a good day

Please ask questions if needed


My Smart Footprint

Kia ora

Today I’m going to talk about what I did for today.

Today I was doing a Smart footprint I had to put some words into a box that says good to public and not public. Here is a picture of it.

Stay on task and keep doing your Cybersmart work.

Here is the picture.

Make sure you do this to

Have a great day.