1.Respect your elders by doing what they request you to do.


2.Respect the school’s property by not breaking anything and taking care of the property.


3.Respect other people by minding your own business .


4.Make sure you respect your own learning by listening to your maths buddy and don’t let yourself get distracted. 


5.Make sure you respect your friends and don’t tell them what to do. 


6.Respect your teacher by making sure you do what they have requested you to do. 


7.Respect the things that your school gives you and take care of it. 


8.Make sure that you keep your school clean by picking up rubbish that is on the ground and you put your rubbish in the rubbish bin. 


9.Respect the school’s stuff and make sure that you use it for the right things. 


  1. Respect other people’s stuff by not touching  their stuff. 

Thats the end of my blog thank you.

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