Film Festival Reflection


Welcome to my blog. I’m going to talk about the film me and my group made.

The favourite thing about making my group film was to stop motion because we can take turns on the iPad. The thing I learnt was how to use stop motion. The thing that was challenging was trying to make the picture stay still. If I would be able to go back in time to fix something in me and my group’s film I would change the direction of the picture so it can look like it was made in the same day. If a another group does stop motion like my group my advise would be to use glue tag so the picture can be still.

One thought on “Film Festival Reflection

  1. Malo e lelei Sione.

    You made alot of detail in your blog posts, also you put so much affect in your blog posts. I read your blog posts often and i find it really interesting , and did you really enjoy film festival with your group i hope you did. Your detail on your blog is really interesting it sounds amazing when you read it!

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